Announcement of the Parliament in Exile of Jinnish Confederacy on an inquiry into national identify in the coming 2020 United States Census 諸晋連合邦流亡議会はアメリカ合衆国の民族調査に関する公告

4 min readMar 13, 2020


This announcement is a consensus of the member states of Jinnish Confederacy, and they are



Khuraltai of Lands of Chahar Crown, Northeast Jinland



Commonwealth of Kettish the Southern Yeniseic, Southeast Jinland



Commonwealth of Hunnic Tanelin, West Jinland



Republic of Upper Ephtalites, East Jinland



Commonwealth of Balacqian Turkish — East Sogdian Highland, South Jinland



Recently, the USA is conducting an inquiry into the self-identification of the residuals, carefully distinguishing, based on the constitution of the United States of America and the consensus values of society, shouldering the mission of the world’s greatest Democratic leader and the fight against the totalitarian, anti-democratic government of humanity, has protected human justice. As an ally of the Japan-US alliance, we stand firm against the expansion of People’s Republic of China, who is a freak from the marriage of the traditional Chinese Imperialism and the Leninism. In order to protect the compatriots of our Jinnish Confederacy, or Confederation of Jinland, from the Anti-Chinese sentiment, we have decided to introduce how to fill in the National Register of the United States of America on the basis of our Confederal Jinnish identity and identification method to you.



The National identification of the Confederacy should make full use of the historical heritage of the various ethnic groups originated from Central Asia, including the Qin people and Qin languages, ethnic groups of the Central Asian Turkic, Hunnic, Sogdian descendants or Tungusic descendants who speak one of the Jinnish languages, as well as ethnic groups of the Erdos mongols and Urad mongols, and so on. As we have learned, the survey respects people’s cultural identity. Hence, if your birthplace is a Jinnish language speaking region or Jinnish-Mongol bilingual region, you ARE fully authorized to be our Jinnish compatriots! Even if your own Canton, a member state of the confederacy, has not yet been established, you can still, with your loyalty to the Jinnish Confederacy as the precondition, fill the table starting with the collective identity “Jinnish” followed by appellations of ethnic groups or tribes, such as Balaqi, Chahar etc. Please follow the example below.




1. People from Taiyuan are encouraged to identify themselves to be Balacqi Turkic Jinnish ;太原人可以自称突厥步落稽裔晋民族

2. 全晉蘭的安姓、康姓、曹姓等人士可以自稱粟特裔晉民族Sogdian Jinnish ;Jinnish people whose surnames are An, Kang, Cao, He etc, are encouraged to identify themselves to be Sogdian Jinnish

3. 朔州大同人士可以自稱鮮卑裔晉民族 Sarpe Jinnish;

4. 陽泉人士可以大膽自稱Upper/East Ephtalites Jinnish。

5. 呂梁人士不妨自稱Lower/West Ephtalites Jinnish。

6. 神木、榆林人士可以自稱Sart Turkic Jinnish,

7. 忻州五台可以繼承匈奴的偉大名稱,Hunnic Jinnish;

8. 1949年為保衛晉蘭英勇戰鬥甚至玉碎的皇軍,其本人及其後裔均有資格享有晉蘭公民權,是為和裔晉民族Japanese Jinnish;

9. 19世紀至今來晉蘭傳教、為晉人作出大量奉獻的歐美傳教士,尤其是被義和團中國人殺害的意大利傳教士、以及最近在youtube發布視頻熱愛晉蘭五寨的瑞典女士,我們理應接納他們為意大利裔晉民族Italian Jinnish、瑞典裔晉民族Swedish Jinnish;

10. 諸蒙古各部,察哈爾、鄂爾多斯、烏拉特和土默特都是雙語地區,蒙古語族族群和晉語族族群混居。這些邦國的蒙古語族群可以自稱為Chahar Mongol Jinnish, Erdos Mongol Jinnish, Urad Mongol Jinnish, Tumed Mongol Jinnish,晉語族群可以自稱為Chahar Balaqi Jinnish/ Erdos Turkic Jinnish等等。

11. 秦語(运城临汾襄汾)晉民族; Qin Jinnish

12. 穆斯林晉民族:Muslim Jinnish

For more details, please access the link



Jinnish nation doesn’t include all the people from Jinland. Jinnish nation excludes those who identify with China, who advocates that Jinland should be part of China, should get unified into China, and who identify with Communism. They are Chinese of Jinnish descent / Chinese of Jinnish ethnicity, but not members of Jinnish nation, not our Jinnish compatriots.



At the same time, we call on our compatriots not to refer to Kanji or Mandarin as Chinese/Mandarin, as we should reject and eradicate the evil politics warps by these fake concepts “Chinese language”, “Chinese characters”, “Han people”, “Chinese nation”, “Chinese people” etc. The right appellation for the character and language is Lingua Franca and Common Characters of East Asian Nations under Chinese Occupation and Slavery. China is never our country, and “Chinese” and “ Han “ are never our national identity.

そうして、わが連合邦の同胞たちがChinese characterを漢字に呼ぶことChinese/Mandarinを中国語に呼ぶことを断固中止してくれるようと期待する。漢语、漢字、漢族、漢人、中華民族、中國人、中文、中國話などの邪悪な政治用語に巻き込まれている我が同胞たちはその言葉遣いを断固捨てるなるべき、漢字まだは漢语の正しい名前は中国に占領されて奴隸のようにこき使われている東アジアの諸民族の普通の文字及ぶ語源とする当然だ。

我們同时呼吁我們的同胞,不要稱漢字為Chinese character、或稱漢语為Chinese/Mandarin,我們的同胞应该彻底拒绝“漢语”、“漢字”、“漢族”、“漢人”、“中華民族”、“中國人”“中文”、“中國話”这类邪恶的政治裹挟,“漢字”和“漢语”的正确名称理应是中國占领和奴役之下的東亞各族人民的交流文字、交流语言。

It is certain that the relationship between China and the United States will be in turmoil for a while, and that any Chinese gangsters who engage in espionage for China in the United States of America, or support China’s genocide will get deported. We hope our compatriots realize the situation and consider our suggestions.



Everyone from Jinland will eventually face an XOR choice, China or Jinland?



諸晉邦聯議會議長兼太原突厥步落稽-東粟特共和國外交部長 沈京東

察哈爾聯邦流亡政府興亞院院長 察哈爾蒙古裔諸晉公民博爾濟.烏爾薩胡

駐日總領事 契丹(達斡爾)裔諸晉公民蘇立群

羯胡南葉尼塞共和國經濟外貿部長 哈薩克裔晉民族 葉爾江•烏古扎吉爾

上艾白匈奴共和國法官 Ethan郭

林胡匈奴共和國文化部部長 畢力格和巴特爾



